
Sustainability at The Pointer School

At The Pointer School we care deeply about the environment and the future of the planet for our children. We look to continuously to reduce our own impact on global heating and work to protect our planet through actions great and small.

Sustainability is integrated into our curriculum and also taught discreetly at points throughout the year.

Recycling at The Pointer School

Recycling at The Pointer School

Battery Recycling at the Lower School

If your child is in Marnic House - you can now bring household batteries and pop them directly in the Lower School box in the ground floor hallway!

A lovely moment: four months after receiving our battery recycling hub box, our full box was emptied and collected to be safely recycled!

  • It is fantastic to be doing what we can to keep dangerous batteries out of landfill and doing our part at The Pointer School.
  • The box is just inside the main entrance at the Pointer building.
  • Got a stash of dead batteries at home? Pop them in the box.