Pre-School Reception
Active Movement introduces children to a wide range of active movement...
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This club will focus on activities and experiences that inspire childr...
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Athletics club is a chance for children to learn the various disciplin...
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This class is an introduction to dance. We explore the basic principle...
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Basketball with Mr Holland in the main school playground.
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Beginner Chess Club - this club is for children to learn the basics of...
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Building Blocks teaches concepts around Architecture, Design, Systems...
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Chamber Choir - Invite only All members of the chamber choir from las...
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The World's most enduring and popular board game, more than 2000 years...
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The World's most enduring and popular board game, more than 2000 years...
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Chess Squad Practice - we will split our time between learning and co...
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‘The Pointer School circuit training club is a fun-filled club and is...
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Cookery Club is a club for children to make cakes & cookies and variou...
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Cookie Monsters is a club for children to make cakes, biscuits and var...
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Cookie Monsters is a club for children to make cakes & cookies and var...
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Cookie Monsters is a club for children to make cakes & cookies and var...
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Perfect 11+ preparation for your child with classes in English, Maths...
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Fencing club is an exciting club offering a fun, safe and educational...
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Inspired by the amazing Lionesses? Come and take part in our Pointers...
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Children will grow and harvest food and will have the satisfaction of...
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Eight sessions exploring iPad photography, via still life and monochro...
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Mini kickers club introduces and teaches children age appropriate skil...
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Rugby Minis for Nursery and Reception with Mr Holland.
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Mixed Cricket team training at Hervey Road with Mr Hallas. Cricket te...
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Modern dance is a rhythmic dance style rooted in musical theatre which...
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Mother Nature Science - Invite Only
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Stars Performing Arts Clubs is delighted to be starting a Musical Thea...
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Our Musical Theatre classes explore dance, singing and drama skills al...
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Netball club takes place on the MUGA at Hervey Rd with Mr Hallas.
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For the summer term, we are venturing to Danson to try a range of acti...
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Sphero is a unique robot ball that instead of using sensors, uses a gy...
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Itty Bitty Buggy Itty Bitty Buggy is a small, hexagonal robot that can...
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Club Info: MicroBit Maqueen Micro:bit is a versatile pocket-sized cod...
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Itty Bitty Buggy Itty Bitty Buggy is a small, hexagonal robot that can...
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Monday morning running club is for children who have previously attend...
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The brilliant Mother Nature Science team will be delivering fun and ed...
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School of skate brings the skatepark to Hervey Road. A progressive cl...
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Children take part in physical/sports activities that focus on charact...
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A fun and interactive club where children will be introduced to basic...
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Sports Skills introduces children to a wide range of sport skills prep...
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A high energy, fun dance class for girls and boys set to popular dance...
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Our Tennis Mini classes are led Ace of Base Tennis. Children will be t...
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Jump in the Theatrebugs Flying Machine and whizz Around the World pick...
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Weather and Seasons with Theatrebugs! Join the Bugs next term as t...
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Ukulele Club - an introduction to ukulele group class. The children...
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In Virtual Reality Design, students jump into the developer seat. They...
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In Virtual Reality Design, students jump into the developer seat. They...
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